Healing Sessions


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of vibrational medicine/ energetic healing. Reiki energy, also known as ‘universal life force energy’ is channelled by the practitioner, who passes it on to the client through their hands. It promotes physical, emotional and mental healing as well as personal and spiritual growth.

I offer in-person Reiki treatments in Bantry, West Cork and online via Zoom (see Distance Healing for more information).

Reasons to have a Reiki treatment

  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Increases your energy levels
  • Relaxes your mind and body
  • Helps with the grieving process
  • Improves your health and relieves pain
  • Helps with pregnancy – bonding with baby and eases aches/pains
  • Aids better sleep
  • Promotes emotional and spiritual growth
  • Allows blocked emotions to flow
  • Assists the body in cleansing toxins
  • Supports you to connect with your inner wisdom and intuition.
  • Clears energetic clutter.

What to expect from a Reiki treatment

A Reiki session, first and foremost, is a chance for you to deeply relax. Prior to our meeting, I will have read through your booking form, which will give me a sense of where you are at on your healing journey and how I can best support you.

When we meet (either online or in person), we will start with a brief chat to check in with how you are, to clarify what you are looking for from the treatment.

For in-person treatments, I will then invite you to lie down on the therapy plinth, and receive this wonderful healing energy. I will cover you with a light blanket and make sure you are comfortable so you can fully relax.

For online treatments, I will invite you to lie down on a comfortable couch or bed, ensuring that you will be warm and uninterrupted by phones/pets/flatmates.

Whether I am working at a short distance from your body, or physically touching you, I will always be respectful of your personal space.

As you receive the Reiki energy you may experience sensations such as heat, cold, tingling, a sense of energy moving through different parts of your body, or perhaps an emotional shift or release. You may also feel nothing, and that is perfectly ok, the energy is still working with you. Sometimes people fall asleep during the treatment. The most consistent feelings that clients report are of deep relaxation, feeling lighter, calmer and clearer.

Sometimes the sessions I offer involve very little talking (only at the beginning and end). At other times, depending on what we have discussed at the beginning and my intuitive sense of what would be helpful, I may offer a guided visualisation alongside the transmission of healing energy. This is in service of supporting you to integrate the energy.

After the treatment we will have another chat about how the experience was for you, and I may suggest some self-care practices.

Just as each person is unique, each Reiki treatment you receive will feel a little different. For example, you may leave one session feeling energised and inspired, and another one feeling very calm and peaceful. Reiki works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers of our being, and will go wherever it is most needed in the moment.

The more Reiki sessions you have, the more receptive you become to it. Particularly if you are new to Reiki, I would recommend that you have 4 – 6 treatments to kick-start your self-healing ability. The energy that is being used is not my own personal energy but ‘universal life force energy’, which is available to anyone who desires to receive it.

I will never put you under pressure to book more sessions with me. Having said that I do love working with people over longer periods of time and building a therapeutic relationship that can act as a safe container for your growth and transformation.

If you are navigating a major life transition for example, and there is a lot to digest, you might find a combination of types of session helpful. I offer Integration Sessions/ Just listening sessions that are designed to be accessible on a regular basis, alongside the longer, more structured sessions I offer.

If you have any questions please email me on [email protected] or book a free discovery call.

Book A Session

Online sessions can be booked here. To book an in-person session in West Cork please email [email protected]

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